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The Importance of Regular Oral Cancer Exams

Regular visits for dental checkups are about more than cleaning and fixing minor issues; it’s also about helping catch potential health problems early, like oral cancer. Nevada OMS encourages everyone to make regular oral cancer screenings a part of your routine as your trusted oral care partners.

We all know that major health conditions are much easier to treat if they are caught early. Oral cancer is one of those conditions that sometimes will go unnoticed until it’s too late because the symptoms don’t necessarily always come on at the same time. By the time a lump or sore is noticeable, it may have already started to spread. We just can’t drive home the importance enough of why you should schedule oral cancer exams every year, even if you’re feeling fine.

Some of the general risk factors for oral cancer include a history of using tobacco, along with alcohol, frequently for many years. The good news is that through screening, early signs can be noticed before problems begin in both low and high-risk patients. When red or white patches; lumps; or sores persist for more than 2 weeks, it could mean oral cancer.

On your visit, we’ll examine all the soft tissues of your mouth under bright lights and with gloved hands to mildly probe for abnormal bumps or areas that seem hardened. We will get a small sample of cells for more under the microscope testing where we will establish whether the cells are normal or display early changes that may require closer monitoring.

If there is an area of concern, the dentists will discuss results and what’s next. Fortunately, oral cancers that are localized tend to respond very well to initial therapies that include surgical removal of the cancerous tissue. That spares the patient from some of the more aggressive treatments later on which could affect swallowing, speaking, or appearance.

Nevada OMS aims to catch problems early by cancer screening and follow-up care. We believe assisting in overall patient health is important. Please don’t hesitate to contact us in scheduling your annual exam and risks or concerns you have. By maintaining your oral health, you empower yourself with your best possible chance of recovery if ever detected with oral cancer down the road. Your continued care and commitment to screening could very well save your life.