If you are looking to achieve that flawless smile, you might be considering restorative dental ideas. Especially if you are missing one or more teeth. One of the things to consider is Teeth in a Day or All-on-4.
A Las Vegas dentist will be able to help restore your smile in a single day. To learn more, check out this quick guide on teeth in a day. You might be looking for a permanent solution that will provide you with a smile that will look good as new. Keep reading to find out more about this dental solution provided by Nevada OMS, your dentist in Las Vegas.
What are All-on-4 dental implants?
All-on-4/Teeth in a Day is a technique that involves surgery and the use of prosthetics. The purpose can be useful if you are replacing missing teeth that may have been lost due to decay, trauma, or other incidents. This procedure requires at least four implants to start. However, additional implants can be added at the discretion of a dentist near Las Vegas. The implants are strategically placed. The procedure will include placing teeth on the same day after the surgery. These are provisional teeth that will look, feel, and function like natural teeth.
Afterwards, you’ll feel like you have a new and improved bite. Over time, there will be a healing process while your permanent prosthetic will be worked on. When it’s ready, it will be attached to your implants, replacing the provisional teeth. The dental prosthesis consists of a fixed bridge. However, it can be removable if you wish. It can also be designed to where a dentist can remove it in the event of servicing.
Who qualifies for All-on-Four/Teeth in a Day?
There are plenty of patients in Las Vegas, NV that may be a feasible candidate for All-On-Four/Teeth in a Day. These include people who are in good health and have a solid enough jawbone so the implants are supported properly.
A bone graft may be needed (if a severe case) if the jawbone is not strong enough. Those with teeth that are compromised or missing can be a good fit for All-On-Four/Teeth in a Day. A dentist may need to examine your teeth beforehand to determine if the procedure is right for you.
If you are dealing with gum disease, it may be a good idea to get it treated first with the right periodontics treatment. The type of treatment you receive will depend on the severity of the gum issue you are dealing with. This can include gum grafts or similar procedures. After the healing process is complete, you may want to revisit the idea of All-on-Four/Teeth in a Day.
How does the treatment process work?
The process for All-on-4/Teeth in a Day consists of several stages. These include but are not limited to the following:
- Initial evaluation: A dentist will look over your remaining teeth and gums. There may be a procedure where the remaining teeth will be extracted. If gum disease is present, treatment will be required.
- Implants installed: Next, the dentist will place the implants in the jawbone. They will be strategically placed with two in the front and an additional two in the back of your mouth. The implants will be placed in areas of the jawbone where it is naturally thickest.
- Provisional teeth placed: Once the implants are installed, provisional teeth will be attached. As this happens, you will be able to allow the bone to heal around the implant. This process will take several months.
- Permanent implants installed: After the bone has healed, the dentist will have a permanent bridge ready for you. These will be stronger and natural looking compared to the provisional teeth provided to you.
What are the benefits of All-on-4/Teeth in a Day?
One of the best benefits of All-on-4/Teeth in a day is receiving provisional or temporary teeth on the day you receive the implants. If you have dealt with bone loss in your jaw, you can still be a viable candidate for All-on-4, so a bone graft may not be needed compared to other implant procedures. If you are considering traditional implants and notice the price being high, there’s good news. All-on-4/Teeth in a Day will be a more cost-effective solution compared to traditional implants. You can be able to get a restored smile without having to pay too much.
We understand that finding the best restorative procedure can be a challenge. Especially when it comes to the physical and financial obstacles. And we know that some procedures like bone grafts can take a while to heal before you move on to the next stage. Even though the process can take time, the All-on-4 process can take less time compared to traditional implants. However, this may depend on any additional procedures that may be needed beforehand. Nevertheless, you will have a restorative smile that will be worth the wait.
Is there a special care process for All-on-Four teeth?
When it comes to caring for your All-on-Four teeth, you should brush your teeth the same way you do with natural teeth. This includes brushing along the gumline as well. You can use a water flosser or threader to clean underneath the appliance – especially if it’s a fixed prosthetic that cannot be removed. If it’s removable, you may be able to remove it and clean the appliance yourself.
Are you a candidate for All-on-Four? Come see us for a consultation.
If you believe you are a candidate for All-on-Four, Nevada OMS might be the best option. We serve two locations in the Las Vegas area and aim to provide you with a smile that will last you a long time. Don’t wait any longer to restore that smile you desire.
Call us in Charleston at (702) 750-9444 or in Pecos at (702) 436-0900. No matter which office is closest to you, we will give you the same professional service you need for All-on-4 teeth.